AmigaActive (499/2143)

From:Simon Preston
Date:5 May 2000 at 21:39:48
Subject:Re: WarpUp/WarpOs

> For a bloomin great laff :) Also as a device for double glazing salesman,
> ummm, the Internet and that's it. You're not telling me to actually ring
> people up on it are you? ;)))

Ooooh you don't wanna be doing that on it.

Come to think of it, I haven't a clue what mine is for. All is does is make
a lot of bleeping noises occasionally, I wonder what causes that?
Usually I think its gonna explode so I keep away until it stops beeping.

> How on *earth* did I suvive without my A1200 in a tower?!?!

I absolutely *love* my Power Tower. When my mates
come round they take one look at it and say "Shit! That must be powerful!!".
I mean, two CD drives on it (one is CD-R :)) and 2 HD (one dead now). And a
big fat ethernet connection coming out of it. And they then look at the IBM
and think "What a load of bollocks!".

Most of my mates know what computer I use and strangely they love it too!



Simon Preston

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